Tuesday 20 June 2017

May 27, 2017

I woke up this Saturday not sure what to do this weekend. I figured now would be a great time to get back to Hot Yoga! I have missed it a lot. I haven't gone since early December 2016. I grabbed my gear and I was on my way!

I have put on a bit of weight... and it seems to be rising... not going down like I expected it to. Not sure if this is related to the high amounts of stress I've been put through, the lack of sleep and rest, or the fact that there is still hCG in my system.

I haven't been over eating or eating too many unhealthy treats. Sure I've had a few treats but I'm not stuffing my face every night before bed with chocolate and ice cream.

Hot Yoga was a lot harder than I though it would be - and I even went to a beginners class. I've always had issues balancing, but Warrior poses were even difficult for me to do. I ended up breaking down and crying silently during Savasana at the end of class.

I didn't realize just how much strength I have lost over the past 5 months - both physically and mentally. I am back to square one. I now have to build myself back up. My body has been through so much. I have to remind myself to be kind and gentle to myself. My body has experienced a huge trauma, and is working hard to get back on track.

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